miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019


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The creative process in literature is an activity that requires an industrious work by the writers' side that involves a lot of different features that lead the writing activity an appealing and interesting work to the reader. Although this exercise turned out in some moment a challenge for us a new writers, here you will find some fantastic short stories done with our deepest love and dedication. The three stories you are about to read will make you think about your inner struggles with topics such as, abortion, love, madness, sadness, frustation, happinness and countless list of sensations and emotions that will make you feel inside each story.

lunes, 1 de julio de 2019


It was a sunny afternoon

Resultado de imagen para sunny afternoon
It was a sunny afternoon

It was a sunny afternoon, typical of a December afternoon in a country of the southern America tropics. Despite the beautiful color emanating from flowers and summer air, Eliza's heart was in great uncertainty. Two weeks had passed and her period had not been pronounced. "I’d be so scary if I'm pregnant, " she said, looking at the big mirror in front of her, which for some reason made her abdomen look bigger than normal. –"but if only 10 days have passed since my period has not come", Eliza was encouraged by ignoring that intuition speaking to her. The same intuition that on her birthday, for some mysterious reason had told her that she was going to get pregnant, but that she was unaware of the lack of her tangibility. Whenever she tried to believe in her intuition, things went wrong, so that she had decided to put aside this ancient feminine sense. Determined to do so, she went to the first drugstore she found and bought a pregnancy test, shaking her hands gives the money to the cashier and doesn't even realize she forgot her change because of overthinking about the "what if....”. When she was 10 steps from home, she remembers she did not get her money back and with an uneasy passivity she returns to the shop in order to ask for her change, it's like she didn't want to get tested, as if something stopped her from meeting a decision-making truth. The cashier with an almost hidden laugh, delivers the change.

On her way back home, she observes how that December sunshine gives her a touch of bravery to achieve what would become an almost unenforceable task: going to the bathroom and taking that rejected test. And her mind still resonates with the phrase "what if...". With her heart in her hand and sweating because of her nerves, she pulls the test out of a plastic bag and blames herself for not carrying a briefcase so she wouldn`t have asked the cashier for a prickly plastic bag; on her longed-for  attempts to be someone different in this world she tried to be as less polluting as possible. Her mind returns to the purpose of sitting there, on a white and now cold toilet, she was covered by a sea of nerves knowing that her life could change in a second. She uncovered the box and pulled out the tools that would now be used as a kind of oracle, which would tell her fate, if a red line appears into a plastic bar after having put some yellow fluid in this. That oracle that had not been wrong almost 9 years ago.

She began eagerly to see how the inside of this stick was colored and recalled: -If I see two lines it is positive, if I see one it is negative- All her revolutionary ideas about abortion began to come to her mind as she saw the test stain coming up. "Free and safe abortion" she read on one of the banners she once held on a march at her college, as if she were in a lucid dream,  she recalled with pain and disgust the time that, in a dark, smelly room, she had to lie on an old wooden table with a plastic tablecloth on it that wore  an old and used pineapple print. From her belly, a woman without the slightest hygienic attire, rather than a pair of surgical gloves, with a homemade suction cup had sucked out an eight-week being that was coming into the world. She just should not have passed this moment if an abortion was not clandestine in her country. “What unfairness and sadness” whispers Eliza.

Eliza remembered almost 9 years later that she had to evade the fate predicted by that oracle at the time and felt pain and nostalgia for not having had the courage to carry out a pregnancy in her teens. On the other hand, she thought this may have been the best decision she made, because at the time she did not have a way to bring to life a being who innocently came to this world, she was just crossing the age of 18 and starting her university, her grandmother, who had been that woman who called bastards to the children of couples who didn't marry, would never  forgive her "What would have happened to me  getting pregnant with a man who didn't love me either? and what about  that beloved  speech on selflove, determinism, that taught us about our bodies and decisions ownership?

On the other side of an overwhelming silence, she began to dream of the presence of an angel materialized in her belly. The sensation on her body like sown land made her feel powerful, but again fear was attacking. "I will not be able to stand so much responsibility, I want to travel…"  words resounded throughout her mind- as she watched the second line of the oracle light up palely. She broke the test and started crying. The denial phase came and she thought that test was broken. She couldn't be pregnant, she kept repeating herself over and over again.

searching for answers, she called her first friend, Carol, who was a hippie in love with life and good vibes despite disgust and the injustices of the earth; Carol told her how beautiful and wise Eliza would look like with  the light that would come into the world if Eliza ever decided to have this baby. Unconvinced and rather desolated, she calls Lucy, who was going through the hardest moment of her life, the love of her eternity was dying of cancer, and 10 years ago Christine, her best friend because of a lupus strewn in her vital organs, had died in the delivery room after the birth of a firstborn who would never know his mother. With the sadness that evokes her friend's wisdom, she replies to Eliza: " I think you'd regret it more if you hadn’t given birth than if you had”. Lucy had always seemed to her a very wise woman, Lucy as a lover of good literature and crochet, had always guided her in difficult decisions. On the other hand, she thought of Lucy as a long-suffering woman who had gotten some wisdom that can only be obtained from pain. Unsure of what to do, she called Alejandra; with the confidence that an unhappy mother can have, she said she should not have a kid. This world was all rot. Alejandra would give Eliza all necessary to get rid of her “problem”. She hangs up, closes her eyes and gives herself to life. Having made a decision, call her couple.

 While getting ready to travel around the world, Eliza evokes the mystery of existence that is reflected in Alice’s eyes, a beautiful healthy girl who had come into this world after nine moons and the best decision Eliza has made. It was a sunny afternoon in one of those countries around the Tropic of Capricorn.



A long, long time ago a young ocelot lived in an ugly and terrible jungle.
It was a bright spring day; in the blue sky there were not clouds.

There, Ocelot was alone and bored, reflecting on his feelings. He realized that his heart needed some reason to give his love. He really felt very alone in the jungle.

In the middle of this beautiful day, The Ocelot met a human being; he seemed to be a child, a totally different and strange being for him.
The ocelot was paralyzed, He was in front of a human being, and he couldn´t believe it. That moment was wonderful; the human greets him and starts an interesting conversation.
- Hello, do not run! The ocelot was trying to run. My name is Mowgli and I saw you in my dreams, you are a beautiful ocelot. The ocelot didn´t know what to answer Mowgli and make a great roar and say:
- Hello Mowgli, I don´t know you, This is our first greeting. Can I say anything? He stared at his eyes you are beautiful Mowgli.
Mowgli smiled and gave a big hug at the ocelot.
Maybe, this seems to be a corny story, but it was this greeting, the first step for a love between Mowgli and the ocelot to grow.

After that moment, Mowgli and ocelot started a great friendship.
The weeks passed and a month later, Mowgli broke the news to the ocelot.
Tomorrow I need to travel to my home ocelot! I am sorry, but I need to travel, It is important for me; I promise I'll think of you, my dear friend.
The ocelot changed the mood and was saddened completely. Only the most beautiful moments and memories with Mowgli passed through his mind. Once again, he thought that a special moment he was living was going to end.

Like everyone, He felt alone in the life sometimes, he remembered that the jungle is not ugly and terrible, It is a jungle, and he could change it!
Mowgli remembered that there would be no distance if the ocelot traveled with his.

Suddenly, the loneliness of The Ocelot and the ugly and terrible jungle turn into in days without love, the purest feelings and lived always in the company of someone special.

That´s how the ocelot and Mowgli undertook a long trip, the ocelot left the jungle and went to the city. Is it right to take away a wild animal from its rightful environment?

Today, the ocelot and Mowgli are living in a castle, they share their things and their feelings, they don´t need jungles and cities to love themselves, they know that the spring day can have even in winter.
In this story, you can reflect about the love, it does not matter if it´s a wild animal, because it can be a thrilling love or clearly a pure love that born between two people.

The Ocelot and Mowgli are the example of a love without distinction with one or two social prejudices but true for them.

"If you love a flower, don´t pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation."

The end.

Resultado de imagen para ocelot



Once upon a time there was a couple who wanted to have a daughter. unfortunately, they lived in a very distant place where they could hardly communicate with their family through letters. The lady called lucy worked for another family cooking and doing chores in the house three times a week, she used the rest of the days at home taking care of her beautiful garden which she loved so much. On the other hand Joe worked collecting wheat at two hours on horseback from his house; This was something he did every day.

With the desire to have children they started buying things for babies little by little, but the months weighed and she asked Joe in despair:
- What is wrong with us? Why I do not get pregnant?
- Keep calm, my love. Maybe it's just not the time. Everything will be fine.

The woman hearing the words of encouragement from her husband, calmed down a bit, but she was still worried about whether she was the one who had trouble conceiving children.

Weeks later, on one of those days when she was at home, she decided to take a walk to breathe fresh air and clear her mind. On the way to the interior of the forest, she heard how in the distance someone called her name with a sweet voice .
- Lucy, here I am waiting for you. Come.
- who is that? she asked puzzled
- It's me, you've been waiting all this time. Come come.

She got very scared and decided better to go home, but with the passing of hours she could not stop thinking about what had happened to her.
It was hard for her to sleep at night, so she decided to go back to that place to see what was happening the next day in the morning.

She followed the voice for several minutes until she found a doll on the floor. When Lucy grabbed the doll, it said:
- Thanks for finding me mom. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Now we can go home.
- My girl, of course. Let's go!
Lucy had the impression of having found her daughter whom she longed so much for.Lucy fed her wrist and locked her as if she were a human being.

Upon arriving home Joe asked lucy:
- Hello Love. Where did you find that doll?
- Honey, it's our daughter. Do not call her like that. Are you happy for both of us?
Joe confused left her and went to his room thinking about the conversation he just had had with his wife. for a moment he thought it was part of a joke, but minutes later he saw how lucy was still talking to the doll as if it were really a girl.

The next morning Joe contacted a doctor to discuss his situation and check if everything was normal due to the desire his wife had for a child. The doctor understood perfectly, and consequently he only decided to give her time. 

Several weeks went by and Joe was very worried about his wife; she had stopped working to give the doll time, and the communication between them was over. That doll became Lucy's world now.
- Love, how was your day?
- Wait, honey, I have to feed our daughter.
- Love, look at me. I am already very worried about you.
- two minutes. I'm almost done here.

Joe walked away. As Joe was very sad with everything that was happening called the doctor, and he took her to the hospital. Joe was aware that it was better for his wife to be there, than at home. He was also sure that they would come out of it. Joe continued working to keep his home and pay for medical treatment of Lucia and that way with the passing of the days Lucy was already fully recovered.

Joe picked her up at the hospital, and cooked a special dinner for both of them. 
- What are you going to do tomorrow, honey? joe asked.
- Go find work in the previous house, maybe they still need my help. How about you, my dear?
- I'm still with the wheat, but I'll be back at night to have dinner together.
- Thanks, Joe. In spite of everything, you were always aware of me. Thank you very much. Now I will take everything calmly.
- My love for you is really big. Always together, my love. I love you, too.

They remained very close and as a result of their immense love, two months later Lucy was pregnant of twins. Their happiness was immense that together started preparing everything for their new big family.


The end.