lunes, 1 de julio de 2019



A long, long time ago a young ocelot lived in an ugly and terrible jungle.
It was a bright spring day; in the blue sky there were not clouds.

There, Ocelot was alone and bored, reflecting on his feelings. He realized that his heart needed some reason to give his love. He really felt very alone in the jungle.

In the middle of this beautiful day, The Ocelot met a human being; he seemed to be a child, a totally different and strange being for him.
The ocelot was paralyzed, He was in front of a human being, and he couldn´t believe it. That moment was wonderful; the human greets him and starts an interesting conversation.
- Hello, do not run! The ocelot was trying to run. My name is Mowgli and I saw you in my dreams, you are a beautiful ocelot. The ocelot didn´t know what to answer Mowgli and make a great roar and say:
- Hello Mowgli, I don´t know you, This is our first greeting. Can I say anything? He stared at his eyes you are beautiful Mowgli.
Mowgli smiled and gave a big hug at the ocelot.
Maybe, this seems to be a corny story, but it was this greeting, the first step for a love between Mowgli and the ocelot to grow.

After that moment, Mowgli and ocelot started a great friendship.
The weeks passed and a month later, Mowgli broke the news to the ocelot.
Tomorrow I need to travel to my home ocelot! I am sorry, but I need to travel, It is important for me; I promise I'll think of you, my dear friend.
The ocelot changed the mood and was saddened completely. Only the most beautiful moments and memories with Mowgli passed through his mind. Once again, he thought that a special moment he was living was going to end.

Like everyone, He felt alone in the life sometimes, he remembered that the jungle is not ugly and terrible, It is a jungle, and he could change it!
Mowgli remembered that there would be no distance if the ocelot traveled with his.

Suddenly, the loneliness of The Ocelot and the ugly and terrible jungle turn into in days without love, the purest feelings and lived always in the company of someone special.

That´s how the ocelot and Mowgli undertook a long trip, the ocelot left the jungle and went to the city. Is it right to take away a wild animal from its rightful environment?

Today, the ocelot and Mowgli are living in a castle, they share their things and their feelings, they don´t need jungles and cities to love themselves, they know that the spring day can have even in winter.
In this story, you can reflect about the love, it does not matter if it´s a wild animal, because it can be a thrilling love or clearly a pure love that born between two people.

The Ocelot and Mowgli are the example of a love without distinction with one or two social prejudices but true for them.

"If you love a flower, don´t pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation."

The end.

Resultado de imagen para ocelot

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Manuel,

    I think your text is a very interesting and complete narrative which follows with the syllabus. You worte a fiction story and used short conversations on it.

    I feel it is a very good text.


