lunes, 1 de julio de 2019



Once upon a time there was a couple who wanted to have a daughter. unfortunately, they lived in a very distant place where they could hardly communicate with their family through letters. The lady called lucy worked for another family cooking and doing chores in the house three times a week, she used the rest of the days at home taking care of her beautiful garden which she loved so much. On the other hand Joe worked collecting wheat at two hours on horseback from his house; This was something he did every day.

With the desire to have children they started buying things for babies little by little, but the months weighed and she asked Joe in despair:
- What is wrong with us? Why I do not get pregnant?
- Keep calm, my love. Maybe it's just not the time. Everything will be fine.

The woman hearing the words of encouragement from her husband, calmed down a bit, but she was still worried about whether she was the one who had trouble conceiving children.

Weeks later, on one of those days when she was at home, she decided to take a walk to breathe fresh air and clear her mind. On the way to the interior of the forest, she heard how in the distance someone called her name with a sweet voice .
- Lucy, here I am waiting for you. Come.
- who is that? she asked puzzled
- It's me, you've been waiting all this time. Come come.

She got very scared and decided better to go home, but with the passing of hours she could not stop thinking about what had happened to her.
It was hard for her to sleep at night, so she decided to go back to that place to see what was happening the next day in the morning.

She followed the voice for several minutes until she found a doll on the floor. When Lucy grabbed the doll, it said:
- Thanks for finding me mom. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Now we can go home.
- My girl, of course. Let's go!
Lucy had the impression of having found her daughter whom she longed so much for.Lucy fed her wrist and locked her as if she were a human being.

Upon arriving home Joe asked lucy:
- Hello Love. Where did you find that doll?
- Honey, it's our daughter. Do not call her like that. Are you happy for both of us?
Joe confused left her and went to his room thinking about the conversation he just had had with his wife. for a moment he thought it was part of a joke, but minutes later he saw how lucy was still talking to the doll as if it were really a girl.

The next morning Joe contacted a doctor to discuss his situation and check if everything was normal due to the desire his wife had for a child. The doctor understood perfectly, and consequently he only decided to give her time. 

Several weeks went by and Joe was very worried about his wife; she had stopped working to give the doll time, and the communication between them was over. That doll became Lucy's world now.
- Love, how was your day?
- Wait, honey, I have to feed our daughter.
- Love, look at me. I am already very worried about you.
- two minutes. I'm almost done here.

Joe walked away. As Joe was very sad with everything that was happening called the doctor, and he took her to the hospital. Joe was aware that it was better for his wife to be there, than at home. He was also sure that they would come out of it. Joe continued working to keep his home and pay for medical treatment of Lucia and that way with the passing of the days Lucy was already fully recovered.

Joe picked her up at the hospital, and cooked a special dinner for both of them. 
- What are you going to do tomorrow, honey? joe asked.
- Go find work in the previous house, maybe they still need my help. How about you, my dear?
- I'm still with the wheat, but I'll be back at night to have dinner together.
- Thanks, Joe. In spite of everything, you were always aware of me. Thank you very much. Now I will take everything calmly.
- My love for you is really big. Always together, my love. I love you, too.

They remained very close and as a result of their immense love, two months later Lucy was pregnant of twins. Their happiness was immense that together started preparing everything for their new big family.


The end.

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